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Vue Js Roadmap

Vue Js 3 Roadmap

New to VueJS? Well, put your worries aside and check out this roadmap for Vuejs developers.


  1. Vue CLI
  2. Single file component
  3. Binding text and HTML
  4. binding attributes
  5. conditional rendering
  6. kists and keys
  7. methods
  8. event handling
  9. form handling
  10. computed property
  11. watchers


  1. Components architecture
  2. Component Props
  3. Custom events
  4. provide and inject
  5. slots
  6. Component Styles
  7. Dynamic Components
  8. Teleport Component
  9. Http Requests
  10. Lifecycle Hooks
  11. Template reference
  12. Mixins
  13. Composition API
    • ref
    • reactive
    • toRefs
    • compoted
    • watch
    • Lifecycle hooks
    • Hooks / Composables


  1. State management
    • Routing
      1. Vuex
      2. Vue Router
    • Styling
      1. Taiwind CSS
      2. Chakra UI / Element UI / Vuetify
    • Forms
      1. vue-formulate
    • Testing
      1. Jest + Vue Testing Library
      2. Cypress
    • Misc
    • Next Step
      1. gridsome
      2. Nuxt.js
      3. Capacitor

This is a Vue js Roadmap